According to a new story, the Academy allegedly lied about requesting Will Smith to leave the Oscars after he slapped Chris Rock.

According to TMZ, Will Smith was never asked to leave the Oscars after slapping Chris Rock, as the Academy stated.

Will was asked to leave the Dolby Theater following the smack, but he refused, according to the Academy on Wednesday, March 30.

Sources at the Oscars 2022 say the reverse was true, and Will was told by the show’s producer that he could stay.

According to three sources who were present at the event and heard various conversations, Academy officials met backstage with Will’s representatives after the slap and had intense discussions over what had happened.

Some officials wanted him to leave, but others did not, according to reports. Various negotiations were place during commercial breaks, but no agreement was achieved.

According to TMZ sources, Oscars producer Will Packer approached Will during one of the commercial breaks roughly 35 minutes after the slap and stated, “We do not want you to go.”

Around 5 minutes later, Will received the Best Actor Award.

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