Actor, Columbus Short arrested again for domestic violence

Columbus Short, an American actor, was recently arrested for domestic abuse after a fight with his wife, Aida Abramyan-Short.

On Wednesday, February 2, police were summoned to Short’s home in San Fernando Valley, California, when a verbal altercation between the pair turned physical.

Short allegedly claimed his wife punched him, but law enforcement authorities found no evidence to support his claims.

Police, on the other hand, claim they noticed minor injuries on his wife and arrested the Stomp the Yard actor for felony domestic abuse.

This isn’t the first time Short has had to deal with the authorities. He was charged with felony violence in 2014 after punching a man in a bar fight, and he was sentenced to a year in prison in 2018 for allegedly hitting his wife, Abramyan-Short.

In this current incident, Short has yet to be legally charged.

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