At a gas station in Falomo, Ikoyi, a naked woman commandeers the fuel pump and causes pandemonium by dousing patrons in gasoline (video)

There was chaos today, July 7, at a petrol station in Falomo, Ikoyi, when a naked woman hijacked a fuel pump and began spraying petrol on customers.

In a video shared online, the naked woman is seen spraying people and cars with petrol.

Naked woman causes chaos as she hijacks fuel pump and sprays petrol on customers at petrol station in Falomo, Ikoyi (video)

Customers are seen running in different directions to avoid getting sprayed.

Eventually, some petrol attendants, policemen, and a LASTMA official brought the woman under control and seized the fuel pump from her.

Naked woman causes chaos as she hijacks fuel pump and sprays petrol on customers at petrol station in Falomo, Ikoyi (video)

Watch the video below…

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