Chris Rock’s younger brother wants to compete in a boxing battle against Will Smith.

After the viral slapping incident at the Oscars, Chris Rock’s younger brother, Kenny Rock, has claimed that he wants to face Will Smith in a boxing match.

Kenny Rock signed a deal with Damon Feldman, the founder of Celebrity Boxing, earlier this month for a fight in Florida this summer, and has named Will Smith as his first opponent.

“No, they shouldn’t do it.” When asked by TMZ if he thinks Chris Rock and Will Smith should fight, Kenny Rock said, “But I should jump in the ring with Will Smith.”

Chris Rock is “doing great,” according to Kenny Rock, following the slapping incident, although he thinks his brother has accepted Will Smith’s Instagram apology.

Kenny has been outspoken in his criticism of Will for slapping his brother at the Academy Awards, and he is prepared to retaliate physically.

Will Smith has been banned for ten years from attending the Oscars and other Academy events after slapping comedian Chris Rock during the ceremony.

Kenny Rock, best known for his performance as Nick Bromnell in the film ‘Vesuvius,’ hopes that the Academy maintains its Will Smith ban.

“We’ll have to wait and see if he gets the 10-year ban,” Kenny Rock stated.

“They might state a 10-year ban, but after three years, they’ll assume we’ve forgotten about it, so they’ll let him back in after two, three, or five years.”

“So we have to make sure these people follow through on their promises.”

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