Hugh Hefner, the founder of Playboy, allegedly forced an ex-Playmate to go on ‘countless’ excursions to acquire cocaine after he ‘groomed’ her from the age of 19.

Hugh Hefner, the founder of Playboy magazine, allegedly compelled a former Playmate to be a “drug mule,” forcing her to go on “countless” trips to buy cocaine after he “groomed” her from the age of 19.

In a new episode of A&E’s docuseries, ‘Secrets of Playboy,’ Sondra Theodore, who dated the now-deceased Playboy editor-in-chief from 1976 to 1981, comes out about Hugh’s alleged drug usage.

Ex-Playmate alleges playboy founder Hugh Hefner made her go on

Sondra stated that buying cocaine for the late magazine publisher had become so routine that she thought he was sending her out to get some’milk.’

She claimed she was constantly afraid of being discovered, and that she believed Hugh would have let her take the fall if she was discovered.

Ex-Playmate alleges playboy founder Hugh Hefner made her go on

‘Can you tell me how many times I picked up medications for Hef? I’m not sure how many. ‘At least a hundred times,’ Sondra remarked on the show.

‘I’ve never informed anyone about any of this.’ For a variety of reasons, I was embarrassed of myself. But I was Hef’s drug mule.

‘It was insignificant to him.’ It was the equivalent of sending me out to get a gallon of milk. But if I’m caught, it’ll be the end of my life.’

‘Do you think he would have responded, “Oh, it’s my fault?” ‘No, it would have been me, my issue,’ she added.

Ex-Playmate alleges playboy founder Hugh Hefner made her go on

Hugh died on September 27, 2017, at the age of 91, at the Playboy Mansion. Sepsis caused by an E. coli infection was the cause of death.

‘If Hef were still alive, he’d be in prison.’ I don’t think he’s in a good situation wherever he is,’ Sondra said. ‘I’m sure he’s aware that I’ve told the truth, and he’s not pleased.’

They met when she was 19 and he was 50, and she claims he slept with other women throughout their five-year relationship.

‘Do you think they can just stay in my house and not sleep with me?’ Sondra alleged he would have ladies over for dinner and then have sex with them, telling her, ‘Do you think they can simply stay in my house and not sleep with me?’

‘Would you anticipate that from your dinner guests? No. It was simply so callous and cold, and it wasn’t the man I’d fallen in love with. ‘I had no idea who this man was.’

Ex-Playmate alleges playboy founder Hugh Hefner made her go on

Despite her repeated attempts to leave him, Sondra said that his ‘charm’ would’reel’ her back in.

‘He continued painting me a picture of a fairy tale and made me doubt what I’d seen.’ He had a nasty habit of warping my world,’ she claimed.

She also referred to him as a ‘vampire’ who’suckered the life out of young women for decades.’

‘You couldn’t make him happy. ‘He wanted more, more, more,’ she remembered. ‘At least five evenings a week, there was group sex.’

‘They had a protocol,’ says the narrator. You didn’t veer away from him directing since you could tell it angered him.

‘I felt like I was a ringmaster, and I had to put on the same act over and over again.’

‘ “Welcome to the family, we’re hugging you,” the script said. It was all a fabrication.

‘I saw girl after girl come in, all fresh-faced and charming, but their beauty faded away. To him, we were insignificant. He had the appearance of a vampire. For decades, he sucked the life out of these girls.’

Hugh allegedly possessed a stash of Quaaludes, a potent sedative used to drug women, according to Lisa.

She stated that the drug was known as ‘leg spreaders’ at the residence and that it was considered as a ‘necessary evil’ because it forced women to do whatever.

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