“I transitioned at four years old,” says a 16-year-old black trans-girl, who describes how she despised having a boy’s body and how she loves her new one (photos)

Trinity Neal, a 16-year-old trans girl from Delaware, detailed how she began her transgender journey to become a girl despite being born a boy.

Despite the fact that she was born with male genitalia, Neal didn’t always see herself as a woman. Her parents assumed she was a boy from the moment she was born, but she acted differently, dressing up in her mother’s clothes and expressing herself as a girl.

"I transitioned at 4 years old" - 16 year old black trans-girl reveals how she hated having the body of a boy and her delight at her new body (photos)

Eventually her mother – a gay – took her to a child therapist who confirmed that Trinity had gender dysphoria, and that her mental health was being impacted.

"I transitioned at 4 years old" - 16 year old black trans-girl reveals how she hated having the body of a boy and her delight at her new body (photos)

So at the young age of four years old, Trinity’s family allowed her to begin transitioning into a girl .


"I transitioned at 4 years old" - 16 year old black trans-girl reveals how she hated having the body of a boy and her delight at her new body (photos)

Trinity’s mother, DeShanna, bought her a pink dress to commemorate the event, and Trinity, who is four years old, was said to be “in tears” as she finally felt understood and loved.

‘It made me feel so pleased…,’ Trinity told the press. And my mother claimed I was crying because I was overjoyed.

"I transitioned at 4 years old" - 16 year old black trans-girl reveals how she hated having the body of a boy and her delight at her new body (photos)

‘It wasn’t the proper body for me.’ I didn’t feel good, and I wasn’t even joyful. I was always depressed and enraged.’

Trinity made history when, at the age of 12, she became the first child in Delaware to have his or her medical transition funded by Medicaid, a state program that provides health insurance to low-income families.

Medicaid first turned down the pre-request teen’s for puberty blockers, but her mother, DeShanna, fought for almost a year to get her daughter the treatment she needed.

Trinity’s gender confirmation procedure will now be covered by Medicaid. Trinity, who is 16 years old, will be one of the youngest people in her state to get this life-changing surgery.

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