If Russia follows through on its threat to invade Ukraine, UEFA may have to shift the Champions League final from St Petersburg.

If Russia invades Ukraine, UEFA officials may be obliged to transfer the Champions League final to St Petersburg.

The tournament’s final is scheduled for May 28 at the Gazprom Arena in St Petersburg, but due to rising tensions, organizers may be forced to find a different location as Russian President Vladimir Putin continues to threaten to attack Ukraine.

According to the Daily Star, Wembley might be a prospective replacement location, especially if two English teams reach the final this year.

After officially recognising the country’s eastern regions as separate states, Putin has ordered his soldiers to enter Ukraine on a ‘peacekeeping mission.’

Concerns have grown that the action may lead to a long-feared Russian invasion of Kiev.

Putin’s decision to recognize the two breakaway Ukrainian republics, according to Prime Minister Boris Johnson, was a “evil omen” and a “black portent” that things were going awry.

Meanwhile, UEFA is thought to be keeping a close eye on the situation in order to prepare a contingency plan if necessary.

Categorized as Sport

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