Jealous truck driver jailed for 18 years after killing ex-wife for blowing kiss to lover on TikTok video

A jealous man has been sentenced to at least 18 years in prison for stabbing his ex-wife to death after seeing her blow a kiss to her partner in a TikTok video.

Stony Stoica, 44, married Beatrice Cenusa, 36, in Romania in 2009, but the couple separated ten years later because of his gambling addiction.

Cenusa, a TikTok user with over 17,000 followers, released a video of herself lip-syncing a song with Claudiu Miteatu on July 21, 2021, and they kissed at the conclusion.

Stoica allegedly erupted into a frenzy when he watched it and demanded she remove the video, according to the Inner London Crown Court.

He showed up at her home in East Dulwich, southeast London, two days later and stabbed her in the chest with a knife while their nine-year-old daughter was in the next room.

Jocelyn Ledward, the prosecuting attorney, told jurors:

‘There had been a lengthy history of sexual jealousy.’

‘He had refused to allow his ex-wife to have relationships without his consent, threatening to murder her if she did.’

‘She stated that she was no longer interested in the relationship and desired her own romantic life.’

‘When it became evident that she had moved on and begun dating another man, the defendant murdered her.’

Stoica traveled down to London on July 23, 2021, pausing for two and a half hours at a service station casino, according to the court.

Miteatu had texted Ms Cenusa just before the death, wondering whether she was okay because he was worried about her safety.

‘I’m OK,’ Cenusa said. I wish I could give you a kiss. ‘Don’t worry about it; it will pass.’

‘I’m at the door,’ Stoica later messaged Cenusa. Stoica was caught on camera fleeing his ex-flat wife’s less than four minutes later.

Cenusa was discovered in a pool of blood with a kitchen knife protruding out of her chest, according to a neighbor.

Their daughter allegedly heard her mother cry from her bedroom, according to the jury.

‘Claudiu, he barged in and stabbed me,’ Cenusa video called Mr Miteatu while laying on the floor.

When paramedics arrived, she was still breathing, but they were unable to save her, and she was pronounced dead shortly after 2 a.m.

Stoica was sentenced to life in prison after pleading guilty to murder.

He was sentenced to at least 18 years in prison before being eligible for parole.

‘For a child to have to hear her mother’s screams as she is being stabbed is awful,’ the Judge said. It’s impossible to know how much damage has been done in the long run.

‘There’s no other reasonable explanation than your domineering behavior and the fact that you were obsessed by jealousy.’

‘You must have planned to harm someone really badly.’ You abandoned her with a knife in her chest.’

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