Kenyan doctors create a device to relieve menstrual agony.

An ingenious device has been developed by a team of medical specialists in Nairobi, Kenya, to help relieve menstrual pains.

According to NTV Kenya, the device, which is already on the market at a reasonable price, contains leads that are connected to adhesive pads called electrodes, which help transfer small electrical impulses to the uncomfortable area of a woman’s body and, as a result, relieve the pain.

Peter Arina, one of the device’s key innovators and the CEO and co-founder of Swift Wellness, said seeing a friend struggle with menstruation pain inspired him to create a solution.

Arina stated, “Leads are attached to electrodes, which are sticky pads. You place the pads directly on your skin and turn the gadget on to relieve pain. Small electrical impulses will be sent to the painful location via the pads.”

The electrical impulses, according to the inventors, are capable of lowering pain signals sent to the spinal cord and brain, which may assist reduce pain and relax muscles. They may also increase endorphin production, which is the body’s natural painkiller.

The device’s functioning mechanism, according to the health informatics specialist, is based on a concept known as gateway control theory, which states that in the human body, an external impulse takes precedence over an internal impulse.

The pain from menstrual periods is an internal impulse that travels all the way to the brain, so when the electrodes are placed and the impulse transmission begins, the external impulse is sent to the brain, forcing it to focus on the external impulse, minimizing discomfort from the abdomen.

Dr Jane Wavinya, a co-author of the invention and a general practitioner at Karen Hospital, said: “During menstrual cycles, substances called prostaglandins are created, which induce pain. Uterine contractions and ischaemia, which occurs when the blood arteries in the uterus constrict, limiting blood supply to the uterus, also produce pain.”

She pointed out that women who have a higher tendency to create blood clots are more likely to experience pain since the uterus has to contract more to eliminate these blood clots. She says that the electrical stimulation not only disrupts the pain pathway to the brain, but it also encourages the synthesis of endorphins, the feel-good hormones that reduce pain and improve mood.

“So far, we’ve sold 207 units. In the evenings, we’ve gotten orders from clients who are glued to their seats due to agony. We’ve made deliveries late at night and dealt with people who were irritated due to discomfort “Mr. Arina continued.

Dr. Irene Onyimbo, a physiotherapist at Aga Khan University Hospital, believes the device’s mechanism is safe and similar to those used in physiotherapy to relieve pain.

“To address body ailments, we use Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation technology,” she explains.

Although TENS is generally safe, physicians advise pregnant women to avoid using it in the abdomen and pelvic regions while applying electrodes to those with epilepsy’s head or neck, as this may cause seizures.

It should also be avoided by people with cardiac problems and those who have another form of electrical implant. The time it takes for pain to go away after utilizing a TENS device varies.

Some people may experience pain immediately after turning off the device, while others may enjoy relief for up to 24 hours. The device is not for use by children or teenagers under the age of 16, and it cannot be used underwater.

A guidebook, electrodes, and a charger are included with the gadget. It has a six-hour battery life when used continually, and it must be completely charged before use.

“Depending on your pain, use it for 30 minutes, then take a one-hour break before using it again. You can vary the frequency by pressing the M (mode) button, depending on your pain. It can be used at work, while exercising, and even while sleeping “Dr. Wavinya explained.

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