Miley Cyrus and her crew made it out alive after their jet was struck by lightning and damaged, forcing them to make an emergency landing.

Miley Cyrus, her crew, and her family are fortunate to be alive after lightening stuck and destroyed their plane.

The singer was on her way to Paraguay to perform at the AsunciĆ³nico music festival when her flight had to make an emergency landing.

She later posted a message on Instagram, telling her followers that their plane had been struck by lightning.

The post included a video of a flash of lightning seen from one of the plane’s windows.

She also shared a photo of the damage the lightning did to the plane.

Her caption reads: “To my fans and everyone worried after hearing about my flight to AsunciĆ³n. Our plane was caught in a major unexpected storm and struck by lighting. My crew, band, friends and family who were all traveling with me are safe after an emergency landing. We were unfortunately unable to fly into Paraguay. I LOVE YOU.”

Miley Cyrus and her crew survive after their plane was struck and damaged by lightning causing them to make emergency landing

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