Andrew is told to stay out of sight by Prince Charles.

While his sex assault trial plays out in a US federal court, Prince Charles is said to have ordered his embattled younger brother Andrew to stay “out of the line of sight” and away from Windsor Castle.

According to Britain’s Sun tabloid, Prince Andrew, 61, has not been seen near the palace since the Queen stripped him of his military titles last month following the shocking charges leveled against him by former sex slave Virginia Giuffre.

The publication claimed a royal source as saying, “He has been warned to keep his head down.” “Charles does not want Andrew to be photographed every day as he is driven to the castle looking happy and waving.”

Since his father, Prince Philip, died last year, Charles has had far greater power over royal affairs, and he is enraged by his younger brother’s declaration that the Giuffre controversy was not a reason for alarm when it first broke three years ago, according to the source.

Giuffre claims that convicted sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell and billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein told her to have sex with the prince.

Prince Charles, Prince of Wales

“Eventually, Andrew will be forced to leave Windsor,” the insider added, adding that he could get a large sum of money from the royal family. “However, he has made it apparent that he will fight to the death.”

When Charles becomes king, the Duke of York and his ex-wife Sarah Ferguson may be thrown out of their Royal Lodge house, according to the newspaper.

According to a legal case filed in federal court in New York last year, Giuffre claims she was forced to have sex with the monarch three times as a teenager in 2001. Prince Andrew has categorically rejected any misconduct on his part.

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