China condemns the term “invasion” to describe Russia’s actions and urges Ukrainian citizens to remain at home.

China has rejected the term “invasion” to describe Russia’s actions in Ukraine, and has encouraged all parties to exhibit prudence before ordering its citizens to stay at home or, at the very least, fly a Chinese flag if they must travel.

Officials and media said that Russian forces fired missiles at numerous Ukrainian cities and landed troops on the country’s coast on Thursday, after President Vladimir Putin authorized a “special military operation” in the east.

“China is keeping a close eye on the current scenario. “We urge all parties to maintain moderation so that the situation does not spiral out of control,” said Hua Chunying, China’s foreign ministry spokesperson.

Hua snarled at journalists’ descriptions of Russia’s conduct during a press conference in Beijing.

“Perhaps this is where China and you Westerners disagree. “We’re not going to rush to a conclusion,” she stated.

“In terms of defining an invasion, I believe we should return to how we see the current situation in Ukraine. The Ukrainian issue has a long and intricate history that has persisted to this day. It’s possible that it’s not what everyone wants to see.”

Russia’s strike on Ukraine comes just weeks after Russian President Vladimir Putin met with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping in Beijing, just ahead of the Winter Olympics. The two countries launched a strategic collaboration geared at opposing US influence, with “no ‘forbidden’ areas of cooperation,” according to the statement.

On Sunday, the Games came to a conclusion.

Experts argue that while Xi and Putin have formed a tight relationship over the years, Russia’s activities in Ukraine have left China in a delicate situation, given it has an oft-stated foreign policy tenet of non-interference.

When asked if Putin had informed China of his plans to attack Ukraine, Hua stated that Russia, as an independent nation, did not need China’s permission.

“It makes and conducts its own diplomacy and strategy based on its own strategic judgment and objectives,” she explained.

“I’d also like to point out that whenever heads of state meet, they would, of course, exchange opinions on subjects of common concern.”

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