Following Biden’s accusation of genocide, Russian President Vladimir Putin is facing war crimes charges.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is attempting to ‘wipe out the idea of even being a Ukrainian,’ according to US Vice President Joe Biden.

‘Yes, I called it genocide,’ he told reporters in Iowa on Tuesday, adding that he would ‘let the attorneys decide’ before boarding Air Force One to return to Washington.

‘It’s becoming clearer and clearer that Putin is simply attempting to eliminate the idea of even being a Ukrainian,’ he continued.

The disclosure comes as the White House weighs how involved it should be in the International Criminal Court’s investigation into Russian atrocities in The Hague.

Many believe the court set up to prosecute war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide can secure justice, and the Biden team wants to see Putin and his military chiefs held accountable for the war horrors.

However, French President Emmanuel Macron refused to repeat Biden’s claim of genocide on Wednesday, stressing that verbal escalation would not help end the conflict.

Macron said leaders should be careful with words as he cranks up his re-election campaign against far-right leader Marine Le Pen on France 2 television.

“I would say that Russia unilaterally launched the most cruel war,” Macron said. “It is now evident that the Russian army committed war crimes, and it is now important to uncover those guilty and bring them to account.”

“What’s going on is insane; it’s extremely brutal,” he added.

“But, at the same time, I consider the realities and wish to do everything I can to continue to halt the war and restore peace. I’m not sure that verbal escalation is helpful in this situation “he stated

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky praised Biden’s remarks, saying that he had encouraged Western leaders to use the term to describe Russia’s invasion of his nation.

He tweeted, “True words of a true leader (at)POTUS.” ‘In order to defeat evil, it is necessary to call things by their proper names.’ We appreciate the help provided thus far by the United States, but we urgently require more heavy weapons to prevent further Russian crimes.’

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