“He’s a clearly insane monarch,” says Alexei Navalny, a Russian critic imprisoned for calling on Russians to resist Putin’s invasion of Ukraine every day.

Alexei Navalny, a jailed Kremlin critic, called for daily rallies, describing Putin as a “clearly mad tsar.”

This was revealed in a statement released by his spokeswoman on Twitter on Wednesday, March 2.

Protests across the country and abroad, he claims, will demonstrate that not all Russians favor the war.

“We can’t possibly wait another day.” Regardless of where you are. Whether it’s in Russia, Belarus, or on the other side of the world.
“Every weekday at 19.00, weekends and holidays at 14.00, go out onto your city’s major square,” he said.

According to Navalny, Russia aspired to be a peaceful nation, but few people see it that way now.

“Let us not, at the very least, become a nation of terrified, mute people.” Of cowards who pretend not to notice our plainly mad tsar’s aggressive war against Ukraine.

“I was born in the Soviet Union. It’s where I was born. And the major phrase there was ‘battle for peace,’ which I remembered from my childhood. I’m appealing to everyone to take to the streets and fight for peace… He went on to say that Putin is not Russia.

Navalny has been in prison since January 2021, when he returned to Russia after being nearly murdered by a nerve toxin attack reportedly carried out by Russian spies. He has hundreds of thousands of followers and is one of the Kremlin’s most dreaded dissidents.

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