Is Putin suffering from ‘roid rage?’ According to sources, the despot’s behavior could be explained by his health.

According to a recent investigation, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s “increasingly unpredictable behavior” could be triggered by ‘roid fury or a brain condition like dementia.

People with ties to the Kremlin and high-ranking officials According to the Mail on Sunday, Western intelligence sources believe the Russian despot’s reckless invasion of Ukraine and other strange conduct is due to a medical problem.

“Over the last five years or so, there has been an obvious change in his decision-making,” a security insider told the Mail.

“Those around him notice a dramatic difference in the cogency and clarity of what he says and how he perceives the world,” the person said, adding that Putin is now “just not being briefed” on the Russian army’s failings.

Russian President Vladimir Putin sunbathes during his vacation in the remote Tuva region in southern Siberia in 2017.
Russian President Vladimir Putin sunbathes during his vacation in the remote Tuva region in southern Siberia in 2017.
Putin was once famously photographed shirtless while riding a horse to display his vigor.
Putin was once famously photographed shirtless while riding a horse to display his vigor.
According to a report, Vladimir Putin is a known hypochondriac and has gone to extremes -- including sitting at one end of an extremely long table, with other world leaders or his top aides at the other.
Putin, 69, could have dementia, Parkinson’s illness, or “roid rage” as a result of possible cancer treatment that includes strong steroid use, according to the sources. They also pointed to his recent bloated appearance as proof that he’s sick.

Putin is a renowned hypochondriac who has gone to great lengths to avoid catching COVID-19, including sitting at one end of an unusually long table with other global leaders or his senior aides at the other. He’s also been known to visit a Moscow hospital with coronavirus patients while dressed in a complete hazmat suit.

Some sources told the Mail that his COVID-19 precautions are a result of his suspected comorbidities.

Putin’s powerful body and physical health have long been a component of how he presents himself to the Russian people and the rest of the world, with the Russian president memorably riding a horse shirtless to demonstrate his strength.

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