Kanye West adds, “I dream of a future where parents can still be heroes,” as he accuses Kim Kardashian of hiding his children from him.

Kanye West has accused Kim Kardashian of withholding their children from him, as well as speaking about how his mother kept him from seeing his father.

The rapper revealed on Instagram that he wants to take his children to his hometown of Chicago, but Kim is preventing him from doing so.

I dream of a world where dads can still be heroes - Kanye West says as he accuses Kim Kardashian of keeping their kids from him

He also wrote in an earlier post that when he was a child, his mother took him to Chicago and prevented his father from seeing him.

“I dream of a world where dads can still be heroes,” he added.


I dream of a world where dads can still be heroes - Kanye West says as he accuses Kim Kardashian of keeping their kids from him


Kanye has been calling out Kim for days now over differences in parenting techniques.

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