Mike Pence is unlikely to be Donald Trump’s running mate in 2024, according to Trump.

Former Vice President Mike Pence’s name should not be expected to be mentioned alongside Donald Trump’s in the presidential election of 2024, according to his former running mate, who claims that people will not “accept it.”

“I don’t think the people would tolerate it,” Trump said this week in an interview with the Washington Examiner, referring to the aftermath of the 2020 presidential election and the Capitol riot on Jan. 6.

During the congressional certification last year, Trump, who has long claimed significant electoral fraud, frequently pressed his idea that Pence could have changed the election results.

“Mike and I had a fantastic relationship, with the exception of one crucial event at the end. “We had a great friendship,” the 45th president added, indicating that the two had spent time together.

In the last year, Pence has also distanced himself from Trump because of his bogus assertions.

Pence recently stated, “Elections are about the future.” “My Republican colleagues, we can only win if we unify around an optimistic future vision based on our finest ideals. We can’t prevail by refighting old wars or rehashing old arguments.”

President Donald Trump listens to Vice President Mike PenceTrump and Pence have distanced themselves from one another since the 2020 election.

While Trump stated that he “still” likes Pence, he criticized the former vice president’s choice not to challenge the election results.

“Mike thought he was going to be a human conveyor belt, that no matter how rigged the votes were, you had to send them up to the Old Crow,” Trump added, referring to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell by his moniker (R-Ky.).

“However, that proved out to be incorrect. Because, as you know, they’re trying hard to make it so the vice president can’t do what Mike said he couldn’t,” he said. “Clearly, they were lying, misrepresenting themselves, or didn’t know.”

“I was let down by Mike.”

It’s uncertain whether Trump would run for president again in 2024, but he has hinted at the prospect on several occasions. Following the midterm elections this autumn, he is expected to make an official declaration.

Pence has also raised doubts about whether he plans to run for president in recent weeks, refusing to rule out the notion earlier this month.

“Right now, all of my emphasis is on 2022,” Pence told Maria Bartiromo of Fox Business Network. “I believe we have a historic opportunity to recapture majorities in the House and Senate, to elect excellent Republican governors across the country, and to nominate a candidate who will be the next president of the United States of America in 2023,” he said.

President Donald Trump listens to Vice President Mike PenceTrump said he “still” likes Pence, but he remains critical of the former vice president’s decision not to try to overturn the 2020 election.

After Bartiromo questioned the former vice president if he wanted to see Trump run for president again, he said.

“But now, more than ever, with the war in Europe and an administration that appears intent on weakening our country and driving our country toward a European-style welfare state,” Pence said, “we need strong Republican majorities on Capitol Hill and strong Republican governors, and that’s exactly what we’re going to work to achieve.”

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