President Putin is being being monitored by a thyroid cancer specialist, who claims he is gravely unwell and suffering from’steroid fury’ as a result of his treatment.

According to a recent investigation, Russian President Vladimir Putin is ‘always’ accompanied by a doctor who specializes in thyroid cancer.

Surgeon Yevgeny Selivanov of Moscow’s Central Clinical Hospital has flown to Russian President Vladimir Putin 35 times in Sochi, his favorite vacation spot on the Black Sea.

The respected doctor’s thesis, titled ‘Peculiarities of diagnostics and surgical therapy of elderly and senile patients with thyroid cancer,’ demonstrated his medical expertise.

Investigative journalists made the discovery. Project (or Proekt) media, which has been censored in Russia but is currently operating from overseas, supports recent ideas that Putin declared war while suffering from medical issues that were kept hidden from the Russian people.

One theory is that he was given steroids, resulting in a bloated appearance around the face and neck.

In the West, there has been widespread conjecture that Putin had major medical concerns when he launched a war in Ukraine that has killed 17,000 Russian military, as well as many Ukrainian defenders and civilians, according to estimates.

‘We pledged to uncover the Kremlin’s most important secret. ‘Of course, we’re talking about Vladimir Putin’s health,’ Project media stated.

The investigation named doctors who accompany Putin, who will turn 70 in October, on excursions, particularly to Sochi, which Putin prefers to Moscow.

Another specialist, in addition to the thyroid cancer specialist, was a neurosurgeon.

‘It is commonly accepted that the President of Russia is only interested in geopolitics in the 23rd year of his rule,’ according to the newspaper.

‘In truth, there is at least one additional subject about which Putin is concerned: his own health.’

‘Putin has openly expressed interest in the problem of thyroid cancer,’ it said.

‘He met with Ivan Dedov, the head of the National Medical Research Center for Endocrinology, who is Putin’s eldest daughter Maria [Vorontsova’s] employer, in July 2020.’

Maria, his 36-year-old daughter from his marriage to former Russian first lady Lyudmila Putina, is a geneticist.

Dedov informed President Trump about the high prevalence of thyroid cancer and the new hormonal medicine Tyrogin, which fights metastases following surgery.

‘”95-98 percent recovery?” Putin inquired, to which an affirmative response was given.’

‘There is undoubtedly chatter in medical circles regarding the president’s health difficulties,’ the story continued.

‘These discussions heightened in the early autumn of last year, when Putin displayed very unusual behavior.’

‘After a lengthy period of isolation owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, the president of the United States has begun to meet people.’

‘On September 13, he visited with the Paralympic athletes and even allowed them to around him.’

‘That’s how, in the middle of a throng, Putin claimed that he needed to go into seclusion because there were too many individuals sick with the coronavirus around him.’

Even the president’s entourage was taken aback by the news.

‘His press secretary was initially perplexed and challenged the president – apparently, while speaking of isolation, the president expressed himself “figuratively.”

‘However, Putin retreated into isolation the next day, voting in the Duma elections from his own office, and not appearing in public for the rest of September.’

‘It’s unclear whether the president was subjected to any kind of medical treatment at the time, but he began to converse with individuals from a vast distance – seated on opposite sides of massive tables.’

‘In other words, if Putin had previously moved away from people in a figurative sense, he has now gone away from them in the most concrete sense.’

From 2016 to 2017, the medical concerns appeared to be becoming worse.

Dr. Dmitry Verbovoy, an expert in acute illnesses, traumas, and poisonings, was treating Putin at the time.

Dr. Konstantin Sim, an orthopaedic traumatologist, was another who could help with ice hockey injuries.

‘An average of five doctors accompanied the president to Sochi on a regular basis,’ according to the report.

‘On the same day he was with Sim, four more doctors, including ENT specialist Alexei Shcheglov and infectious illness specialist Yaroslav Protasenko, lived in Rus [sanatorium].’

Twelve doctors were’settled’ in the Run sanatorium in November 2016.

‘First, a team of Putin’s personal medics, led by Verbov, arrives.

‘They are then joined for two days by a group of operative neurosurgeons from the Central Clinical Hospital, led by department head Oleg Myshkin.’

Dr. Pavel Sharikov, the Central Clinical Hospital’s resuscitator, was present, as was Dr. Elena Rastrusina, a neurosurgery department specialist, and head nurse Lyudmila Kadenkova.

Dr. Mikhail Tsykunov, a rehabilitation specialist, was also there.

‘The treatment evidently worked because Putin was already addressing the federal parliament on December 1st.’

‘A year later, the President bestowed the honorary title of Honored Doctor of Russia upon Myshkin.’

Putin, according to the source, has vanished from view five times due to medical reasons.

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