Russia does not want to go to war with Europe over the Ukraine situation, according to Vladimir Putin.

Vladimir Putin, Russia’s president, has stated that while Russia does not seek a conflict in Europe, his security concerns must be addressed and taken seriously by Western nations.

Putin’s remarks come as the Russian military said on February 15 that some troops were withdrawing from the Ukrainian border, the first evidence of a possible de-escalation of hostilities from Moscow.

Russia’s unexpected military build-up of 130,000 troops near Ukraine’s border has sparked fears that it will invade the country, despite Putin’s denials.

Russia has extensive cultural and historical links with Ukraine, a former Soviet republic, and Putin has requested the West to reassure him that Ukraine will not join NATO because he sees any expansion as a threat.

In response to a question regarding the possibility of conflict, Putin told the press: “Is this something we want or not? Obviously not. That is why we have put out recommendations for a negotiation process.”

The two leaders clashed, however, when Putin said that there had been a precedent for war in Europe, citing the conflict in the former Yugoslavia in the 1990s, which Putin claimed was launched by NATO against Serbia without UN Security Council sanction.

In his defense, Scholz stated that the situation was unique because the Serbs planned to commit genocide against non-Serbs, to which Putin responded by alleging that what was taking place in eastern Ukraine’s Donbas region, where Russia is supporting separatists, was also genocide against ethnic Russians.

Later, Olaf told the press that Putin was incorrect in his usage of the term “genocide” in this situation. Putin also stated that NATO has failed to address Russia’s “fundamental” security concerns thus far. He demands that the question of Ukraine joining NATO be resolved immediately.

The force buildup was “incomprehensible,” according to Scholz, but there was still a hope that diplomatic measures may reduce tensions.

At the press conference, Scholz remarked, “I conveyed that the troop buildup is perceived as a threat.”

Of course, we are concerned; there are more than 100,000 Russian troops on the Ukrainian border, which we find inexplicable.” Because of the UK’s “mixed signals” from Russia, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson tweeted.


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