Despite being the company’s largest shareholder, Elon Musk has declined to join the board of directors.

Despite being the company’s largest shareholder, Elon Musk, the world’s richest man, has decided not to join the board of Twitter. Musk’s appointment to the board was set to take effect on Saturday, April 9 after the company’s chief executive, Parag Agrawal, revealed last week that he had purchased a 9.2 percent interest in the social media platform, but Musk rejected to join the board. “Elon shared that same morning that he will no longer be joining the board,” Agrawal tweeted.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk is Twitter’s largest shareholder, and the company would continue to welcome his input, he said.

Musk cryptically tweeted a single emoji just over an hour after Agrawal’s announcement, which has since been deleted.

This follows Musk’s weekend suggestions for changes to Twitter. He asked his 81 million followers if Twitter was “dying” and if the company’s headquarters should be converted into a homeless shelter.

Elon Musk declines to join Twitter board despite being the highest shareholder

He also made a poll asking if the letter “w” should be removed from Twitter, with only “yes” and “of course” as answers.

He then proposed a number of improvements to the Twitter Blue premium subscription service, including lowering the price, prohibiting advertising, and allowing users to pay in dogecoin. “I feel this is for the best,” Agrawal said of Musk’s decision.

“We have always valued and will continue to value input from our shareholders, whether or not they are on our board,” he added.

“Elon is our largest shareholder, and we will continue to listen to his suggestions.”

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