Donald Trump blames Nancy Pelosi for January 6 attack on Capitol

Former US President Donald Trump issued a statement on Monday, February 7, blaming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) for the attack on the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, which was allegedly carried out by his own followers.

Despite the fact that Trump was president on January 6 and had urged his supporters to “fight like hell” to retain him in power before the Capitol attack, he claimed Pelosi could have or should have done more to prevent the attempted coup.

Trump claimed, without providing evidence, that Pelosi turned down offers to boost up security before the armed mob attack that he encouraged at a rally minutes before.

“If Nancy Pelosi had taken my advice to put 10,000 Soldiers, or the National Guard, into the Capitol, there would have been no January 6, as we know it,” the former president remarked. “Immediately put an end to the Unselect Committee’s January 6th Witch Hunt. Pelosi and the Democrats are to blame!”

Pelosi’s spokesman Drew Hammill, however, responded to the accusation, saying, “This has been fact-checked practically to death as absolutely made up.”

This comes amid reports that Trump refused calls from his inner circle to help put an end to the riot once it began. He was also accused of relishing the clip and refusing to tweet a message imploring his fans to calm down and be peaceful. In a call with House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, he was also said to be less concerned about the attack and more anxious about having the election results annulled (R-Calif.).

Hours after the attack on the Capitol, Trump ended up his day with a tweet that reiterated his allegation that the election was rigged and expressed sympathy for the “great patriots.”

He sent out a tweet;

“These are the things that happen when great patriots who have been treated poorly and unfairly for so long have their precious landslide election triumph taken away so unceremoniously and ruthlessly.” Return home in peace and affection. Remember this day for the rest of your life!”

Pelosi is also not in command of the Capitol Police and does not have influence over the building’s security, according to reports. Any responsibility she has for the Capitol is shared with Republican Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader at the time.

Pelosi also lacks the power to summon the National Guard.

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