Jennifer Aydin of the Real Housewives of New Jersey says, “I’m glad I stayed and forgiven my husband after he had an affair.”

Jennifer Aydin, a star on Bravo’s “Real Housewives of New Jersey,” has said that she has forgiven her husband, Dr. Bill Aydin, for their decade-long affair.

In a social media message, Aydin reiterated her dedication to their marriage. On Instagram, the 44-year-old reality star posted a flashback photo of herself and her husband, Justin, 17, Gabriella, 14, Jacob, 12, Christian, 10, and Olivia, 9, with their five children, Justin, 17, Gabriella, 14, Jacob, 12, Christian, 10, and Olivia, 9;

“I’m pleased I stuck around…

and #aydinfamily#tbt forgiven”

I?m glad I stayed and forgave my husband after he had an affair - Real Housewives of New Jersey star, Jennifer Aydin

With all of their children, the couple discussed their affair, which has been covered on the program this season.

Page Six quoted Aydin as saying:

“I told Justin,” my spouse said. I was in the room, and Justin seemed furious, as if to say, ‘I don’t want to talk about this again.’ This season, he’s not going to watch.

“My Gabriella was crushed even more. She was upset for a while because she felt betrayed, but we got over it. My two [younger] boys, on the other hand, are neither here nor there.”

As filming for Season 12 began, Olivia, the couple’s youngest daughter, discovered the plastic surgeon’s romance on TikTok.

She continued,

“And Olivia will ask, ‘Mommy, do they know about “the secret,” too?’ now that she realizes Mommy’s okay with it.” ‘Yes, but it’s no longer a secret, and we’re OK talking about it,’ I’ll reply. ‘Oh sure, that’s right,’ she’ll say.

“Keep in mind that children learn through example. I think they’ll be fine as long as I keep my calm and don’t freak out.”


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