Russia has passed legislation to take possession of foreign planes that have landed in the country.

In an attempt to circumvent Western sanctions, Russia passed a bill on Monday allowing the country’s airlines to re-register planes leased from outside.

The bill, which was approved by Russian President Vladimir Putin, aims to boost domestic flights in Russia and “guarantee the continuous operation of civil aviation activity.”

Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Western sanctions gave aviation leasing companies until March 28 to seize aircraft from the country.

About 780 leased jets are used by Russian airlines, with 515 of them leased from abroad.

Russian airplane sits on runway

The majority of foreign-leased jets in Russia are registered in Bermuda or Ireland.

The aviation authorities in those countries said they were suspending the planes’ certifications of airworthiness.

Without a certificate of airworthiness granted by the civil aviation authority in the nation where it is registered, planes are unable to fly.

According to Reuters, re-registering foreign-owned planes in Russia would try to get around that restriction.

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