The University of California has agreed to pay $250 million to over 200 women who were sexually abused by a gynecologist on campus.

The University of California has agreed to pay $250 million to over 200 women who claim a campus gynecologist sexually raped them.

Several women have accused the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) of concealing James Heaps’ alleged sexual assault of patients.

Between 1983 and 2018, Dr. Heaps worked at UCLA’s student health center, where he reportedly mistreated hundreds of women, some of whom had cancer.

University of California agrees to pay $250m to over 200 women sexually assaulted by a campus gynaecologist

Hundreds of lawsuits against the university accused the learning center of concealing the gynaecologist’s alleged sexual abuse of patients, and the university did not begin investigating accusations against Heaps until 2017.

His medical license was suspended by a judge in 2019 for the duration of the sex abuse case, and the school has now agreed to pay the aghroved parties the large sum as compensation.

The institution expressed hope that the cash deal would bring “healing and closure” to the women affected.

More than 5,500 women sued Heaps, and a federal judge granted a $73 million settlement in July.

He was formerly the highest-paid doctor in the University of California system, according to the case’s lawyers.

Heaps has pleaded not guilty to 21 criminal counts of sexual abuse against seven women.

According to a UCLA statement, “the alleged conduct by Heaps is repugnant and opposed to the University’s principles.”

“Our first and highest responsibility will always be to the communities we serve, and we hope that this resolution will help the plaintiffs find peace and closure.”

According to the Los Angeles Times, Kara Cagle, a breast cancer survivor who claims Heaps assaulted her when she was receiving treatment at the institution,

“After eight hard years, I was finally recognized for what had occurred to me.

“Although there is some consolation in that, my heart breaks for all the women who were not spared, all the women who suffered after me, because UCLA refused to act.”

The settlement does not stop an ongoing lawsuit by more than 300 patients.

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